Deleting Slice Item

n Go, a slice is a fundamental data structure, it is a mutable Homogeneous array. It can grow and shrink at run time according to the needs of application.You can think of as it as Vector class if you’re coming from a Java background.

Often time while working with slices, you would like to add elements to a slice.

 var s []string = make([]string, 0)
    s = append(s,'cairo') // adds to the end

Today, I want to share a common idiom in Go on how to remove an element by its index.

banku := 1 //index to delete
   var s []string = make([]string, 0)
     cities := strings.Split("Nairobi,Banku,Cairo,Lagos",",")
   s = append(s, cities...) // appending a slice to another slice

 for index,_ = range s {
   if index == banku {
     s = append(s[:index], s[index+1:]) // delete element matching `index`

There are many ways to go about deleting a slice element, but i find this to be easy and is the one I like to use.

Happy coding!

Philip Chol Image

Author:  Chol Paul

Chol's personal blog. He writes about software engineering, life and everything in between.